The POLY graph


under the knife

Hello all,

Normally, I would write each of you an email, but given that i only have one working arm... If you don't know, I was in a car accident last Thursday. I am fine, but my left collar bone isn't. It snapped in two, and now I need plate t help reconnect the pieces. Tomorrow I'll be admitted to the big hospital in the morning and be given tests during the day. On Wednesday, I will go into surgery to have a plate put into me.

After a few days, I should be released. The downside is that after a year or so, I'll need to go back into the hospital to have the plate removed. I'll keep you posted when I can.



some time

Now that I have some time, I thought I'd give my blog a make-over. I'll post later what I've been up to in the past several months.