The POLY graph


Slow and steady mends the bone

The stitches came out this past Friday. Snip here. Snip there. The doctor believes I will have to wear the arm sling for another 3-4 weeks as the bone parts fuse back together. Its rough doing the routine with only one arm. Many things have become a strain, and I have to rest more often than normal. I have another appointment in two weeks to check the bone's progress.

Meanwhile, I wait eagerly for the arrival of Brian. He arrives on Thursday, and will stay for 10 ten days. I gave him a homework assignment before he comes. He must be able to read Korean before coming. Learning Korean is not very difficult, in fact, the written Korean language has been called the most scientific written language. In 1443, the Korean language moved away from Chinese characters to phonetic symbols so all Koreans could be able to read and write. One book even boasts that a person can learn to read Korean in a span of 40 minutes. Brian is allowed to use Matt as a study partner. Brian will visit Matt for a 3-4 days in LA. I am very curious as to what kind of impression Brian will form of Korea from his own experience.

Plans are in motion to visit Taiwan in the first week of August, but more on that later as that time approaches.


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